Thursday 17 November 2016

merits and demerits of teaching mathematics

Merits and Demerits of Analytic Method of Teaching Mathematics 

It proceeds from unknown to known. The word analysis means separating a thing into its component parts. Analysis of a mathematical problems means "breaking up" of the problem in hand so that it ultimately gets connected with something obvious or already known. It is a
process of unfolding of the problem in order to know its hidden aspects.
In its original sense the verb "to analyze" means to loosen or separate things that are together. It is to start with what is to be found out. Then further steps and possibilities may connect the
unknown with the known facts till the desired result is to be obtained.


1. It is a logical method. It leaves no doubts and convinces the learner.
2. It facilitates understanding. It also strengthens the urge to discover facts.
3. The steps are developed in a general manner. No cramming of a fixed step and a set pattern in
necessitated. Each step has its reason and justification.
4. In this method the student faces a number of questions and he provides suitable answers to
them. Thus he tackles the problem confidently and intelligently. He comprehends the problem
thoroughly and gains in learning.


As per the draw-backs of this Analytic Method, it is a lengthy one. It is difficult to acquire
efficiency and speed in this method.
Of course, it may not be applicable equally for all topics. All the same, this method is
indispensable in teaching of mathematics.

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