Friday 26 January 2018


Famous mathematicians of India


Arakaparampil Mathai Mathai [A. M. Mathai] is an Indian mathematician who has worked in Statistics, Applied Analysis, Applications of special functions and Astrophysics. Mathai established the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Palai, Kerala, India. He has published more 25 books and more than 300

2.Acharya Hemachandra

Acharya Hemachandra was a Jain scholar, poet, and polymath who wrote on grammar, philosophy, prosody, and contemporary history. Noted as a prodigy by his contemporaries, he gained the title Kalikāl Sarvagya, "all-knowing of the Kali Yuga".


Aryabhata or Aryabhata I was the first of the major mathematician-astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy. His works include the Āryabhaṭīya and the Arya-siddhanta.


hāskara, was an Indian mathematician and astronomer. He was born in Bijapur in modern Karnataka. Bhāskara and his works represent a significant contribution to mathematical and astronomical know.Bledge in the 12th century. He has been called the greatest mathematician of medieval India.


Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao, FRS known as C R Rao is an Indian-born, naturalized American, mathematician and statistician. He is currently professor emeritus at Penn State University and Research Professor at the University at Buffalo. Rao has been honoured by numerous colloquia, honorary degrees

Friday 12 January 2018


Pi (π)

pi circle diameter

Draw a circle with a diameter (all the way across the circle) of 1
Then the circumference (all the way around the circle) is 3.14159265... a number known as Pi

Pi is often written using the greek symbol π
circumference, diameter, radius
The definition of π is:
The Circumference
divided by the Diameter
of a Circle.

pi circle diameter

To help you remember what π is ... just draw this diagram.

Finding Pi Yourself

Draw a circle, or use something circular like a plate.
Measure around the edge (the circumference):
plate circumference 82
I got 82 cm
Measure across the circle (the diameter):
plate diameter
I got 26 cm
82 cm / 26 cm = 3.1538...
That is pretty close to π. Maybe if I measured more accurately?

Using Pi

We can use π to find a Circumference when we know the Diameter
Circumference = π × Diameter

Example: You walk around a circle which has a diameter of 100 m, how far have you walked?

pi circle 100m diameter
Distance walked= Circumference 
 π × 100 m
 = 314.159... m
 314 m (to the nearest m)
Also we can use π to find a Diameter when we know the Circumference
Diameter = Circumference / π
annulus pipe

Example: Sam measured 94 mm around the outside of a pipe ... what is its Diameter?

Diameter= Circumference / π
 = 94 mm / π
 = 29.92... mm
 30 mm (to the nearest mm)

Friday 5 January 2018

creative method to teach mathematics

  1. Use dramatizations . Invite children pretend to be in a ball (sphere) or box (rectangular prism), feeling the faces, edges, and corners and to dramatize simple arithmetic problems such as: Three frogs jumped in the pond, then one more, how many are there in all?
  2. Use children's bodies. Suggest that children show how many feet, mouths, and so on they have. When asked to show their "three arms," they respond loudly in protest, and then tell the adult how many they do have and show ("prove") it. Then invite children to show numbers with fingers, starting with the familiar, "How old are you?" to showing numbers you say, to showing numbers in different ways (for example, five as three on one hand and two on the other).
  3. Use children's play. Engage children in block play that allows them to do mathematics in numerous ways, including sorting, seriating, creating symmetric designs and buildings, making patterns, and so forth. Then introduce a game of Dinosaur Shop. Suggest that children pretend to buy and sell toy dinosaurs or other small objects, learning counting, arithmetic, and money concepts.
  4. Use children's toys. Encourage children to use "scenes" and toys to act out situations such as three cars on the road, or, later in the year, two monkeys in the trees and two on the ground.
  5. Use children's stories. Share books with children that address mathematics but are also good stories. Later, help children see mathematics in any book. InBlueberries for Sal, by Robert McCloskey (Penguin, 1993), children can copy "kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk!" and later tell you the number as you slowly drop up to four counters into a coffee can.
  6. Use children's natural creativity. Children's ideas about mathematics should be discussed with all children. Here's a "mathematical conversation" between two boys, each 6 years of age: "Think of the biggest number you can. Now add five. Then, imagine if you had that many cupcakes." " Wow, that's five more than the biggest number you could come up with!"
  7. Use children's problem-solving abilities. Ask children to describe how they would figure out problems such as getting just enough scissors for their table or how many snacks they would need if a guest were joining the group. Encourage them to use their own fingers or manipulatives or whatever else might be handy for problem solving.
  8. Use a variety of strategies. Bring mathematics everywhere you go in your classroom, from counting children at morning meeting to setting the table, to asking children to clean up a given number or shape of items. Also, use a research-based curriculum to incorporate a sequenced series of learning activities into your program.
  9. Use technology. Try digital cameras to record children's mathematical work, in their play and in planned activities, and then use the photographs to aid discussions and reflections with children, curriculum planning, and communication with parents. Use computers wisely to mathematize situations and provide individualized instruction.
  10. Use assessments to measure children's mathematics learning. Use observations, discussions with children, and small-group activities to learn about children's mathematical thinking and to make informed decisions about what each child might be able to learn from future experiences. Also try computer assessments. Use programs that assess children automatically.